Nepalese Dance and Music

We organize oversease culture programme too..

Culture is the very pride & soul of a Nation. It is just like a mirror that reflects the beauty, nativity & the life pattern of the people. Culture in essence always plays a crucial role to promote harmonious relationship between country to country. NEC Travels has Participated with different culture group in several national & international social , Culture & tourism promotion programs organised in different places sponsored by various related organisations.The dances as : Arati dance, Bajrayogini dance, Bhojpuri dance , Drum solo , Dhimey dance, Lakhe dance, Maruni dance , Peacock dance,Shebru dance, Yak dance , Jhankri dance ( Witch Docter ) Jhaure dance etc.
Arati dance :- This dance is dedicated to Nataraj , the dancing form of Lord shiva. In this dance light will be put off and dancer will come with candle light in their hand. This is very interesting dance .

Bajrayogini dance :- This is an ancient classical dance of Nepal. which is based on Tantric Buddhism. The temple of goddess bajrayogini is situated about three km from Kathmandu.

Bhairabkali dance :- This is a classical dance of Lord shiva & goddess parvati.This dance shows the destructive mood of goddess kali & Lord Shiva , Who saved the world from destruction by lying down on the path of Kali.
Chanchar dance :- This dance is popular in Tharu,s community in the western region of Nepal.

Chutka dance :- This dance is performed during the different festivel of eastern part of Nepal . Boys & girls sing & dance in pairs during the festival.

Chyabrung dance :- This dance is mostly performed by young boys & girls during the different festival on the Northern part of the Nepal.
Dhimey dance :- This is the typical dance of Jyapu community of Kathmandu , which is performedduring the festival & after they reap the good harvest.

Drum solo :- In Nepal there are several types of drums of various size & shapes.Here an exponent on the drum plays 10 to 12 drumsat a time in a typical manner.
Horiya dance :- This is a very popular dance of tharu community from southern part of Nepal. Holy is one of the great festival for this community , which observed in feb / march .Everybody singing & dancing around with throwing color powder, water upon each other .
Jhankri dance ( witch doctor ) :- During the bygone days when there were no medical facilities in the country, the sick poeple used to be taken to the witch doctor to get cured. Even now a days in the remote area of Nepal this practices is still prevailing.One can see in this dance how witch doctor cures a patient.
Jhyaure dance :- This dance is based on love song , which is very popular all over Nepal amongthe teenagers.
Khyali dance :- This dance gives glimpses of western Nepal in Magar & Gurung community.In this dance a couple view each other with their talents, and it is a practice that if the boy wins he can take as his wife to his home.

Khukuri dance :- Khukuri is famous weapon , by which the Gorkha,s have become very famous in every battlefield. In this dance the dancer shows how it is used in killing the enemies.
Lakhe dance :- This is a traditional mask dance of Kathmandu.It is performe durimg the festival of Indra jatra.

Bhojpuri dance :- This dance is very popular on southern part of Nepal.

Manjushree dance :- Once open a time Kathmandu velly was suppose to have beena big lake.The god Manjushree open up the southeren side of the valley , so that the water could flow out & the land become habitable.This dance depicts this legend & this dance is generally performed by the Buddhist priest.
Maruni dance :- Maruni dance is a femail dance with two boys.
Peacock dance :- Peacock is considered a holy bird of our country. It is suppose to be the dancer of Indra,s palace.This bird gets thrilled , when the cloud starts gathering , with the sound of thunder it starts dancing. In this dance the artist try to copy the same in his own manner .

Shebru dance :- This dance is performed by Sherpa communities in the Northern border area of Nepal . They are very skilled in mountaineering.

Yak dance :- All knows the fact that Nepal is a land of YAK & YETI. Unfortunately we are not in the possition to show YETI dance. But Yak is a very lovable animal , people drink its milk & also make use of it as a carrier of goods. This is the only animal which can carry loads in high altitudes. They are very skilled in Mountaineering