Fields of Activities

All the the Village settlements, terrain plains, inner terrain Region, mountain region, the hill of Nepal.

North East part of India like as Assam, Meghalaya, Darjeeling, Sikkim and North West Part of India like as Kumau, Gadwaal, Nainitaal, Deharadun, Bhakshu, Almoda etc.


Myanmar (Burma)

Performance from different community and part of Nepal:

The meaning of Arati is a kind of special presented pray which shown by oil lamp before start the program that called "Arati" in Hinduism. Once upon a time of golden age, this dance is dedicated to "Nataraj". According to the Hindu's Philosophy [Shiva Puraaon], the meaning of Nataraj is period of dancing by Lord God "SHIVA"; [the internment period of Lord God SHIVA]. Therefore in Hindu's Culture Society, people want to present first Ariti with the dance of Natraj before start the program. In this dance light will be put off and dancer will come with candle light in their hand.


Once up on a time of Kathmandu was ruling by Malla dynasty long time ago. Malla dainsty want to keep there country in a very strong position always and they do confidence by them self to worship Goddess "Bajrayyogani" for to get the strong power and protected the peoples and the nation. The meaning of Bajra is Thunderbolt and Yogani means Yogi became BAJRAYOGANI [Strong yogani Goddess] So Buddhist Tantrick [the devoted of malla period] they were dance with a appearing of Bajrayogani to make happy her in an occasion of festival, gradually this became an ancient classical dance of Nepal, which is based on Tantric Buddhism. Still the Temple of Goddess Bajrayogini is situated about three K.M. from Kathmandu valley. Bajrayogaini is a Goddess of Power.


Nepal is a very small country although here is much different diversity living in same community with peace. Meanwhile; one of popular community original from the District of southern part of Bhojpure [Terai] situated in the far eastern development region of Nepal called BHOJPURI have an own culture, language and tradition. So this dance performing